Saturday, August 12, 2006

Upgrades complete :D

After so much fighting, the upgrades are finally done!

As everyone saw, the network netsplit around midnight today.

The upgrade has finally brought in some much wanted upgrades!

Text Banning:

Users can now filter text being said in their channel (very good for spam control) by simply doing:

/mode #mychannel +b ~T:*@*:block:*text*

Please note that * is a wildcard, meaning it matches all around. You can control what people/ISP's can say it by adjusting the *@* spot :)

With that being said, a user with HOP (+h / %) or above will be able to say text that's banned.

Channels can have 15 of these types of bans for the time being. If there is a large demand for a higher limit, i'll increase it.

Adjustments to channel modes +c +S:

Before, these modules just removed/blocked colour from being said. We've now expanded the module so it strips bold, underline, and whatever reverse is.

Better PM controlling:

A feature enjoyed on efnet and rizon was the ability to set who can pm you when you're in a no pms mode. We've now introduced this, known as callerid. With this new addon, users that aren't on your accept list will be told that you're in such a mode. On top of this, users will be informed by server-notice (check your status window) informing them of the user/hostmask that pm'd them.

To use it, simply do.

/umode +I
/accept Nick

The 'accept' list is a per connect time basis kind of deal, meaning you can't set your list and it's saved (at this time anyways). If a user wishes to remove someone from their PM allowed list, simply do:

/accept -Nick

Bigger ban list for massive damage:

With our central hub now upgraded, starting tomorrow, users will be able to enjoy having a 200+ (either 200 or 250) entry ban list to manage their channels.

Upgrades will be coming to services introducing timed bans and some others :)


1 comment:

Francisco Dias said...

the informing has flood protection, you don't get informed every time a pm comes in from the same person.

Once every 60 seconds, a notice is sent to the reciever.