Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Botnet's suck :(


Today, around 6PM PST everyone saw as kasumi split from the network, and sorata dumped the majority of her users. At this same time, #l2-paradise took a large (1000+) botnet causing the boxes to max outta RAM.

We've had this problem in the past and so we increased all the ram allotments on the servers to help with this. Since DA is still a small community, though, we don't have enough servers to absorb that kinda of sudden increase without causing some issues :(

We've found a solution at -

Alas, DA is short the cash to afford this.

Anyone wanna donate? :P


Francisco Dias said...

Very nasty crash supposidly :(

Right now i'm doing up the numbers to see if we can afford to pay it out our selves.

Francisco Dias said...

I'm trying to solve this issue :<