Tuesday, February 20, 2007

New webchat!

The day has finally come that we're not using that god awful, slow server to run our webchat.

We're happy to announce that after a good day of coding, we've completed our new webchat located at


Not only is there a new "java" based client, there is also a faster CGIIRC client there for those that need it. It sports a new layout and can actually be read for once. On top of that, we've made it so notices finally go into the active window with the CGIIRC.

The generator will be back online later this week to help you with your webchat, it'll also sport the new layout and an easier interface to work with.

The old generated links still work, so you don't need to worry about that. No longer are the chat names put under the interface window, but now they're all placed in a nice little drop down. We're also currently looking into a way to create a "channel selector" box that shows up on the actual chat interface it self at the top, to allow you to pull down and select a new channel (and on clicking "join" it'll then push the command).

We're still testing on that one, but hopefully i'll have something this week ;)


Saturday, February 17, 2007

Hurray new stats system!

I'm pleased to announce that we finally have a new stats system - hurray!

users are welcome to visit:


A good example of how it all looks would be: #deltaanime
for the documents on howto use it.

For the lazy, here's howto enable it.

/msg botserv chanstats #mychannel on

The stats will take upwards of an hour to enable, but normally less. Statistics also update ever hour.

Users wishing to provide input on new parts we should add and things like that, by all means, let me know :)

